Author Topic: Windows 7 Tips and Tricks  (Read 22713 times)


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Windows 7 Tips and Tricks
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:39:32 PM »
The following is one of the popular articles I have ever written. Thought I would share this with you all...

Windows : Very Useful Tips And Tricks.

   If you are a regular user of windows 7 (some tips are supported by xp as well ) then you must know the things which I am going to mention now. Without wasting much time, lets begin.

Minimize : Maximize (All windows versions, atleast after xp)
You work with many windows in a day, but don’t you think that it is a pain to navigate right to the top-right of your screen and then click your desired button. There are high chances that you know the shortcut of closing, Alt+F4 .
Here goes the shortcut for minimize & maximize and trust me it will save you a lot of time. Once you have your window open, to maximize press the windows key + the up arrow key and to minimize combine the windows key with the down arrow key.
Once you have minimized it to the task bar, you have no shortcuts. So remember whenever a window is active press the windows key + up/down arrow key.
Auto complete web addresses. (all versions of windows, after xp)

Are you ever bored of typing the entire url of your favorite website, say google. Don’t you get bored to type in ’http://www…… .com/net  ‘ ? If yes then I have a excellent solution for you, rather windows has.
Open your browser, type in the main address (ie: google from and then press Ctrl + Enter rather than just enter and voila. What if you wanted to open this inside of a new tab. Type in google in the address bar and press Ctrl + Alt + Enter and there you have it. Use shift instead of conrol for .net domains.

The navigation assistance (win 7 only)

You may be aware of the famous shortcut of alt + tab . This helps to cycle between windows. But if you have windows 7, then you have an even great feature than that at your disposal, with the same convenience. Instead of pressing alt + tab, press windows key + tab and see windows 7 at its best.

Minimizing many windows at the same time. (win 7 exclusive)

Are you the kind of a guy/girl who likes to open many windows or are required to open many windows. It would be very difficult to minimize the different windows and keep the workspace clean. Here I have a power solution. Just grab the window with your mouse and shake it as hard as you can. Other windows will get scared and quite minimize, isn’t that great!

Quick look at desktop (win 7 only)

It might be useful for many to have a quick look at the desktop may be to check the calendar if you have such a wizard or something else. One thing you can do is to hover over the bar at the extreme right of your taskbar to have a glimpse of your desktop and click on it to access it. If you like using keyboard, then press the windows key and your space bar key and have a glimpse.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 10:27:28 AM by sankalp35 »



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