General If and But ! > Introduce yourself here

Hi I&B


Hi all,

I've been out of the webmaster game for a few years and starting up some new sites and need to refresh myself with all of the do's and don't of the internet.

Have a lot of catching up to do and hopefully I'll be able to contribute something myself to the forum.


--- Quote from: FrickenFunny on May 04, 2013, 03:52:19 PM ---Hi all,

I've been out of the webmaster game for a few years and starting up some new sites and need to refresh myself with all of the do's and don't of the internet.

Have a lot of catching up to do and hopefully I'll be able to contribute something myself to the forum.

--- End quote ---
Welcome to I&B forums, lately it has been very quite here but still there is lot to check out here.

Thanks Jaffery, will be reading up on alot of things.

That is a nice introduction.

Welcome to the I&B :)


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