Author Topic: SMF and CSS/PHP Help  (Read 35628 times)


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SMF and CSS/PHP Help
« on: May 03, 2013, 01:12:50 AM »

     I am using the PremiumMGC template for my SMF Forum, with TinyPortal add-on, and I have a general question regarding ONE, CSS been searching the internet like crazy and figured that this might be the best place to ask.

     I want to change the background of the theme monthly using css. I have looked on the net and found a way to make the background image change each time the page is refreshed however I would like it to select a SPECIFIC image based on the current month...server side or user side whichever is easier. I have tried many options however I can't get it to work. I am no coding guru, everything I have learned is self taught.

     I would greatly appreciate any assistance that could be offered with this query.


Edit:.... add code that I am trying

Code: [Select]

// Image File Ext.
$extList = array();
$extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';
$extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
$extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
$extList['png'] = 'image/png';

//today and Image to use per today

$month date('m');

if (
$month == 01) {
$image "01.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 02) {
$image "02.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 03) {
$image "03.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 04) {
$image "04.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 05) {
$image "05.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 06
$image "06.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 07) {
$image "07.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 08) {
$image "08.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 09) {
$image "09.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 10) {
$image "10.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 11) {
$image "11.jpg";
elseif (
$month == 12) {
$image "12.jpg";




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