Designing and Development > Programming

Having problem installing this script.

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Will someone provide what to fill in the blanks because I am having hard time filling it up.

Here is what I got...

A domain hosted with 000webhost.
Nothing else, pretend I am starting from beginning, what do I do now?

Have you installed WAMP , if yes then in WAMP, using phpmyadmin or sqlbuddy you need to create a new database and add database name there. If you have created a new user then add its name and password as use "root" as user and blank for password.

Sorry for being dump but I need help like from Scratch, how to install PhpMyAdmin and stuff to WAMP and all that with step to step, please.   :-\

Just download it from wamp website or this link and install it on your machine then open your webbrowser and type :

If its installed properly you should see phpmyadmin, sqlbuddy etc. and give it some time to learn.

I did exactly what you said but can't see the phpmyadmin page, I went through Youtube videos and stuff but nothing helped enough. :(


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