Designing and Development > Yii PHP Framework Support

Problem in Registration in yii framework


i am new to yii. I create an an application using yii now have problem with the registration i provide a link to register new users but some one click on this this send the user to the login page how to solve this problem please help .

every response appreciated
Thanks in advance

you have to manfully set the permission in yii i know yii not allowed every user to CRUD when we create CRUD in yii with gii module.  permission denied ed    for the anonymous user so you can check out access rules i hope this will help you .

Thanks perks Now i am able to handle this kind of problem in future and thanks again for your quick reply

       i am also facing the same problem can you give me code for overcome from this problem Please.

Thanks in advance

you can change your accessRules to solve your problem in siteController or in userController like this

--- Code: ---return array(
array('allow',  // allow all users to perform 'index' and 'view' and create action
--- End code ---


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