Author Topic: Learning XHTML and CSS, to create my own classified ads website  (Read 5706 times)


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Learning XHTML and CSS, to create my own classified ads website
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:04:57 PM »
Learning XHTML and CSS, to create my own classified ads website
hello pros,

i dreamed of creating my own classified ads website. but right now im not that skilled to do that.

that's why i decided to learn web programming. as a start i started reading HTML, XHTML & CSS For Dummies ,7th Edition.

Im also reading references from, and i think somewhat they are defining and discussing the subject similarly.

but then, i learned about the existence of Upon reaching their site, and i read on their main page. I think the site is saying that has several conflicting information about the subject about XHTML and some other more., i think, is telling that is a terrible reference?

if that is so... what then is the best reference book and site to read from, so i can learn web programming.

gurus, please help on this one. please mention about authors of books and links to online learning tools and resources. if you have some pdf file to share with me, i'll be more than happy to accept that.

thanks in advance.



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