Author Topic: Suppressing curvycorners warnings in internet explorer 6  (Read 12003 times)


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Suppressing curvycorners warnings in internet explorer 6
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:31:37 PM »
As I am using curvycorners, I found out today that it is very irritating for users who view it from Internet explorer 6, though we hardly have any computer running internet explorer six but there are many users on internet who are still using this old browser.

What happens if user open my site with curvycorners, it receives lots of Javascript warning which looks like endless and user have to keep clicking OK and OK and OK .. which never ends.. so user will actually move away from site .

That is very bad.. how can suppress those errors .. obvisouly the error is due to older version of IE6 but not curvy corners but I don't want to show those pop up errors.



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