Webhosting Forums > Dedicated Server Administration

How to install APC on Plesk 10 running centOS


I am looking to find a  guide which can help me to install APC on a linux centos server. The server is running Plesk 10 webhosting control panel .

Is there quick guide specially for plesk 10 server to do this ?

I can see you have found the solution yourself.

Still, if you need to know then its easy:

First install pear if its not installed, on CentOS its,

--- Code: ---yum install php-pear
--- End code ---

Next you have to install php development tools

--- Code: ---yum install php-devel
--- End code ---

then httpd development tools

--- Code: ---yum install httpd-devel
--- End code ---

Now, install APC

--- Code: ---pecl install apc
--- End code ---

If there is no error or problem then run :

--- Code: --- echo "extension = apc.so" > /etc/php.d/apc.ini
--- End code ---

Assuming, you followed exactly I have said, restart your apache.. and check in your phpinfo() for apc details.


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