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How to add Favicon to SMF forum? After uploading the favicon to root folder.


After uploading the file favicon.ico to the root folder of forum, where should the codes go?

If you add it to root of your website then it will be automatically picked up by browsers i.e. favicon.ico at root of website. Also you can use other recommended way is to add following somewhere in head of your website (index.template.php in case of smf.

--- Code: ---<link rel="icon"  ype="image/png"    href="/somewhere/myicon.png" />[code]
--- End code ---

Oh yeah! It worked, I just added the logo to root folder and that was all. :D Thank you very much.

I just have another query regarding this favicon thing, can I add separate icon for each sub domain/directory? I tried the HTML code but it didn't worked. What is the detour of it?

Once a favicon is loaded for a website, it will get cached, if another page has another favicon, then you have clear cache of browser then open that new page with new favicon.  Though I have never tried multiple favicon on single domain.

I guess it might work since we will have sub-domains. The code will go for each page with different things, isn't it?


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